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This campaign started as a simple direct mail. Following this the client asked us to create print, radio and social options to go along with the offer. 


We delivered two routes to the client which can be seen here. 




This was an offer lead campaign, so we decided to take the idea of money and create Nissan's own currency. Delivered to MICRA and NOTE owners in brown envelopes, our Direct Mail would act as a 'bribe' for customers to buy a new MICRA or NOTE


Following this, we further developed this idea to include Print, Radio and Social


Script 1

VO: Wouldn’t it be strange if money could talk to you? Imagine if it would whelp and sigh every time you spent it frivolously.

We know that really goes on in your head, but what if we could silence that doubt?

The Nissan Micra and Note now come with €2017 off the original retail price

So there is no need to question whether you are really getting a good deal or not.


Nissan’s €2017 offer comes with limited stock available, so be sure to visit your local Nissan dealership today.


Go on, put your money where your doubt it.

Nissan, Innovation that excites.

Terms and conditions apply. Visit



Script 2


Ok, it’s time to be real.  Let’s talk in a language we both understand. Money.

The Nissan Micra and Note now comes with €2017 off the original retail price.

Our offer is available for a limited amount of time, because as soon as the cars are gone, they’re gone.


To avail of our €2017 offer, visit your local Nissan dealership today.


Nissan. Innovation that excites.

Terms and conditions apply. Visit


Social Posts in GIF format that play on the Nissan Money and highlight the €2017 Offer

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